A Lilac in a dream symbolizes disappointment and rejection. It is also a sign that you should not always invoke what you see or hear. In another sense, a dream about a lilac is a foreshadowing of a great love or, on the contrary, a longing for love confessions.

The Symbolism and Meaning of Lilac in a Dream
To see a lilac in a dream suggests that you are ready for a new love adventure. You have already recovered from your last breakup and are longing to get to know someone and establish a closer relationship with this person.
Sniffing lilacs symbolizes joy and happiness. You are enjoying life to the fullest and the last period was extremely favorable for you. A dream about sniffing lilacs also indicates a harmonious relationship or marriage. You were perfectly matched, which is considered a rarity these days.
Picking lilacs in a dream reflects your need to reward yourself. From time to time, you need to make a small treat for yourself whether in the form of a small gift or a cosmetic treatment.
Planting a lilac tree reflects your great strength and innate optimism. Nothing can bring you down and you try to look at every situation even the most difficult one with an optimistic outlook.
Watering the lilac tree suggests that you are afraid to show affection to someone. Perhaps it is a simple fear of rejection or the person you feel something for has someone and you do not want to disturb their relationship. In another sense, watering the lilac can symbolize betrayal, on the part of a person who means a lot to you.
Withering lilac in a dream usually symbolizes unrequited love. You have likely had a silent admirer for a long time, of whose existence you are not even aware.
The appearance of a bouquet of lilacs for those in a relationship foretells a frank conversation with your beloved. For single people, on the other hand, a dream about a lilac bouquet augurs a short-lived romance.
Receiving a bouquet of lilacs heralds a declaration of love. You may finally gather the courage to confess your feelings to a person you have long admired.
Standing under a lilac bush suggests that you envy someone's relationship with their partner. You think that you will never find your true another half. In another sense, standing under a lilac bush heralds an ill-considered love adventure.
White lilac symbolizes a family party. You are likely to be invited to a christening or wedding. It will be attended by many people close to you, with whom you will have a great time.
Black lilac is, above all, a very promising sign for the sick heralding recovery.
When you see black lilac blooming in your dream, it is a sign that you are returning your thoughts to an old love. It is possible that you are currently not satisfied with your relationship, you feel that the feeling is passing or you remain single.